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Vein Treatment

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Vein Treatment

Millions of Americans are affected by vascular skin conditions, such as rosacea, spider veins and telangiectasia, which can cause unsightly broken blood vessels, discoloration and lesions to appear on the skin of the face and legs. People affected by these skin conditions often report embarrassment or self-consciousness, which can deter them from joining social occasions or even going out in public. While much progress has been made in identifying the causes of these conditions, treatment options have been largely limited to procedures that incur adverse side effects on patients, such as electrosurgery, sclerotherapy and surgery.

Skin Conditions

Rosacea is a common disorder that mainly affects skin on the face. While it is typically characterized by harmless cosmetic symptoms, such as redness in the face, some patients also complain of heating or discomfort when they flush. Triggers of rosacea episodes can include strenuous exercise, temperature extremes, alcohol and spicy foods.

Telangiectasia are tiny broken blood vessels that are permanently fixed in the dilated state. While they usually do not present a medical issue, they do create a cosmetic concern as they can take on the appearance of fine red lines coursing through the surface of the facial skin.

Leg Veins are dilated vessels that range from large veins to small telangiectasias. Other non-laser treatment of leg veins typically involves sclerotherapy, a procedure in which a liquid is injected into the damaged vessels to harden and destroy the vessel wall. Excel V can treat leg veins up to 4mm in diameter.

Port Wine Stain is a type of red or purple birthmark made of dilated blood capillaries. They often appear on the face and do not fade unless they are treated. Non-laser treatment of port wine stains has included radiation, freezing and surgery, often resulting in pain and scarring.

Cherry Angioma are small red bumps that appear spontaneously on the skin. They typically appear in middle age and will proliferate. Non-laser treatment of cherry angiomas includes cryosurgery and electrosurgery.We offer vein treatment using:

excel V Laser

Before & After

Excel V Laser FAQs


What is excel V Laser and how does it work?

Excel V Laser is a new approach to treating vascular skin conditions that puts patients’ safety and comfort first. The laser targets and is absorbed by red blood vessels which ultimately causes vein walls to collapse. This enables precise and effective treatment of everything from small to medium sized veins and spider veins.


Does excel V Laser treatment hurt or have side effects?

The system leverages innovative cooling technologies to ensure patient comfort, and there are no long-term side effects or downtime.

Sclerotherapy FAQs


Q: What is sclerotherapy and how does it work?

Sclerotherapy is a microinjection procedure to treat small to medium-sized veins. The procedure involves injection of a sclerosant solution into the vein using a very fine needle. This solution irritates the vein lining causing it to undergo fibrosis and eventually disappear. Multiple veins can be injected at each session.


Q: What are spider veins?

Spider veins are most common in women in the age groups 30-50. This has been related to the hormone estrogen and pregnancy. Spider veins look like a network pattern in a circular fashion. These light purple veins usually appear in a lattice pattern and are completely harmless.


Q: Where is the procedure done?

It is usually performed in the doctor’s clinic. It generally does not require any type of anesthesia. The patient is asked to come to the clinic in loose fitting clothing and the spider veins are identified. With a fine needle, the veins are injected with a chemical that will destroy the vein. There is minimal pain. For those who are unable to tolerate the pain, a topical local anesthetic can be placed on the skin about 30 minutes before the procedure.


Q: What chemicals are used for sclerotherapy?

The spider veins are destroyed by injecting a small amount of a chemical in the vein. The sclerosant we use most often is polidocanol. The chemical irritates the small vein and causes it to undergo fibrosis and eventually disappear.


Q: Can sclerotherapy be used to treat large varicose veins?

Following the treatment for larger veins, compression hose stockings are usually recommended to be worn for at least one week. It is best to get spider veins treated in the winter months as one can easily wear stockings.


Q: How many sclerotherapy treatments are required?

It varies from individual to individual, but typically 2-4 treatments are required for the best results. In patients with milder cases, 1-2 will suffice. The treatments are more in number when there are more veins or slightly larger veins requiring treatment.


Q: Do I have to limit any activity after the treatment?

Walking is highly recommended soon after the procedure. But any high activity sports should be avoided for the first 2-3 days.


Q: Does sclerotherapy hurt?

There is a little sting associated with each injection. The burning sensation lasts few seconds. Most individuals tolerate the procedure and do not require any type of anesthesia. The majority of patients claim that the procedure is much less painful than what they anticipated.


Q: What happens if spider veins are not treated?

Absolutely nothing. Spider veins are small veins which are entirely a cosmetic nuisance. They do not form blood clots, they usually do not ache, and they do not cause swollen feet or pain. One may elect to observe them.


Q: Can sclerotherapy be performed on the hands or face?

No, absolutely not. Sclerotherapy should never be done on the face and hands. The hand veins may not look pretty at times, but they should never be treated. If the facial veins are very conspicuous, laser vein treatment is a better option than sclerotherapy.


Q: Is there any harm in removing spider veins?

Spider veins have no function and removing does no harm. The only reason they are removed is because of their unsightly appearance or due to symptoms, which range from pain to cramps.


Q: Can anyone undergo sclerotherapy?

Almost anyone with unwanted spider veins can be treated, except women who are pregnant or nursing. Other relative contraindications include those with skin infections, uncontrolled diabetes, fever, history of deep vein thrombosis, anticoagulant therapy those patients taking corticosteroids.


Q: Is there any preparation required before sclerotherapy?

No preparation is required before the procedure. It is recommended that one stop smoking and stop taking aspirin a few days before the procedure. Any patient on a blood thinner is not a candidate for sclerotherapy.


Q: What happens after sclerotherapy treatment?

There is some mild pain that can easily be overcome with Tylenol. The injected site will appear bruised and swollen for a few days. Continual wearing of the ace bandaged will relieve the swelling and pain. The bruising usually disappears in 2-3 weeks. One will have no problem with walking. After the first 2 days, most patients can resume their normal activities.


Q: How long is each sclerotherapy session?

Generally, most individuals have multiple spider veins and only up to 15-20 injections can be done at seating. Each treatment session lasts up to 30 - 40minutes.

ClosureFast™ FAQs


Q: How is the ClosureFast™ Procedure different from vein ligation and stripping?

With vein stripping, the physician makes an incision in your groin and ties off the vein, after which a tool is threaded through the leg vein in order to pull it out through a second incision just above the calf. The ClosureFast™ procedure is minimally invasive. In contrast to vein stripping, the vein is closed using heat delivered by a catheter inserted through a small incision below the knee. Vein stripping is usually performed in an operating room under general anesthesia, while the ClosureFast™ procedure is often performed in an outpatient setting, typically using local or regional anesthesia.


Q: How is the ClosureFast™ Procedure different from laser ablation?

The ClosureFast™ procedure utilizes radiofrequency energy in 20 second bursts to provide controlled heat to contract the collagen in the vein walls, causing them to collapse and seal. Once a leg vein is closed, blood flow is redirected to healthy veins. Laser ablation uses laser heat to contract and seal the affected vein. The laser delivers heat to the vein causing it to collapse. Unlike the ClosureFast™ procedure, peak laser temperatures can reach over 1334°F (729°C).(1) Treatment with the 980 nm laser ablation can potentially lead to more bruising and post-procedure pain for patients than compared to the ClosureFast™ procedure. The 2009 RECOVERY Study compared the experience of patients treated with the ClosureFast™ procedure and those treated with 980 nm laser ablation. The findings clearly demonstrated that for the majority of patients: The ClosureFast™ procedure resulted in less pain, less bruising and fewer minor complications. The ClosureFast™ procedure proved to be faster in improving patients’ quality of life.


Q: How long does the ClosureFast™ Procedure take?

The ClosureFast™ procedure typically takes approximately 45-60 minutes. Most patients typically spend two to three hours at the medical facility due to normal pre- and post-treatment procedures.


Q: Does the ClosureFast™ Procedure require anesthesia?

The ClosureFast™ procedure can be performed under local, regional or general anesthesia. It is generally performed using local anesthesia in a vein specialist’s office or an outpatient surgical facility.


Q: After the ClosureFast™ Procedure, how quickly can I return to normal activities?

Many patients experience a quick return to normal activities, typically within a few days. For a few weeks following the treatment, a vein specialist may recommend a regular walking regimen and suggest you refrain from very strenuous activities (i.e., heavy lifting) or prolonged periods of standing.


Q: How soon will my symptoms improve after the ClosureFast™ Procedure?

Most patients report a noticeable improvement in their symptoms within one to two weeks following the procedure.


Q: Can I expect any bruising or tenderness after the ClosureFast™ Procedure?

Although it is possible to experience pain, bruising or tenderness after treatment, many patients report minimal to no scarring, bruising or swelling following the ClosureFast™ procedure. Speak to your physician to learn more about the ClosureFast™ Procedure, its risks and outcomes.


Q: What potential risks and complications are associated with the ClosureFast™ Procedure?

As with any medical intervention, potential risks and complications exist with the ClosureFast™ procedure. Dr. Specht will have a consultation with you to determine if your conditions present any special risks. He will  also review with you potential complications associated with the ClosureFast™ Procedure , which can include, but are not limited to, vessel perforation, thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, phlebitis, hematoma, infection, paresthesia (numbness or tingling), skin discoloration, skin burn and/or adjunct nerve injury.


Q: Is the ClosureFast™ Procedure suitable for everyone?

Dr. Specht can  tell you if the ClosureFast™ procedure is the right option for your vein problem. Many patients with varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency can be treated with the ClosureFast™ procedure .


Q: Is age an important consideration for the ClosureFast™ Procedure?

The most important step in determining whether the ClosureFast™ procedure is appropriate for you is a complete ultrasound examination by a vein specialist. Age alone is not a factor in determining if the ClosureFast™ procedure is right for you. The ClosureFast™ procedure has been used to treat both women and men across a wide range of ages. Talk to a vein specialist to determine if the ClosureFast™ procedure is right for you.


Q: What happens to the treated vein left behind in the leg? Don't I need it?

After treatment, the affected vein becomes fibrous tissue. Over time, the vein will be absorbed into surrounding tissue and blood will reroute to other veins.


Q: Is the ClosureFast™ Procedure covered by insurance?

Many insurance companies pay for the ClosureFast™ procedure in part or in full. The ClosureFast™ procedure has coverage policies with major health insurers. Prior to seeking treatment, consult your insurance provider to confirm coverage.
